万源协和初中部交响管乐团首次参加全国比赛,获得了“中华杯”中国第十五届优秀管乐团展演之“优秀乐团”的荣誉!与此同时,乐团也荣获闵行区第十五届学生艺术节比赛一等奖!初中部交响管乐团成立于2016年,七年来,乐团经历了多次团员的更新换代,及疫情冲击所带来的巨大困难。在几届团员的不懈努力下,终于实现了区赛——市赛——全国赛的三级大满贯!祝贺孩子们! SUIS Wanyuan Junior High School Symphonic Wind Ensemble participated in the national competition for the first time and won the honor of “Outstanding Band” in the 15th China Excellent Wind Ensemble Exhibition of “China Cup”! At the same time, the orchestra won the first prize in Minhang District’s 15th Student Arts Festival Competition! The Middle School’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble was established in 2016, and over the past seven years, it has experienced several membership renewals and great difficulties brought about by the impact of the epidemic. With the tireless efforts of several members of the group, we have finally achieved the three-tier Grand Slam of District – City – National! Congratulations to the kids!